Pakistan may get ‘Blacklisted’ next month

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Pakistan is close to being blacklisted by FATF (Financial action task force) next month in review meeting in Paris. FATF had give 27 point action plan to Pakistan to evade forcible black listing but Pakistan has fallen short of that. Pakistan so far has complied only to 6 points out of 27 point action plan.

Blacklisting would make international finance inaccessible to Pakistan making it difficult to recover from economy slump its facing.

Financial action task force (FATF) sets standards for effective implemetnation of regulatory and operational measures to prevent money laundering, terror financing and other threats to morality international financing system.

While Pakistan is trying to show that it is getting tough on terrorists by arresting few UN designated terrorists and seizing few properties linked to terrorist activities but that is well short of the action plan given to it to be completed in 15 months. It has only arrested 5 of 100 plus UN designated terrorists suspected to be in its territory and seized few properties without finding to funding sources attached to them.