World Health Organization (WHO) celebrates World Hearing Day on 3 March to spread awareness about hearing loss. The day aims to create awareness about preventing deafness and hearing loss. It also highlights the importance of ear and hearing care.
According to the WHO, over five percent of people all over the world require rehabilitation to address their ‘disabling’ loss of hearing. This number would increase sharply in the next two to three decades. One in every ten persons may have disabling hearing loss by the year 2050.
Hearing loss and deafness are caused due a variety of reasons including genetic factors, perinatal morbidities such as hyperbilirubinemia, chronic ear infections, trauma to the head and/or ear and sudden sensorineural hearing loss.

This World Hearing Day, here are some measures that can help prevent deafness:
Protect your hearing during loud events:
While attending events and activities with loud music or noise, protect your hearing by moving away from the source of the sound. Try to wear earplugs or take a break from the event to give your ears some relief from the loud sound.
Limit your usage of earphones:
Do not use earphones continuously for more than an hour. Also ensure that you do not listen to music at more than 60 percent of the volume of the device as it can damage your hearing.
Vaccination of children against infections such as meningitis are good to prevent any chance of hearing loss due to infection.
Avoid loud noises:
Avoiding loud noises is the one of the best ways to keep away from noise-induced deafness. According to the United Kingdom’s National Health Service, any sound over 85dB can be harmful, if people expose to it for a long duration.
Get your hearing checked:
If you feel you are losing your hearing, consult a doctor immediately. Also get regular check-ups if there is a history of hearing loss in your family.
Avoid loud noises at the workplace:
If your work exposure to loud noises for prolonged period, i.e. construction, make sure you use noise-cancelling earmuffs or earplugs. Also ensure regular breaks so that you can get exposed to quieter environments.