“Tiger 3” Movie Review: A High-Octane Spy Thriller

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tiger 3 movie review

Rating: 3.5/5

Tiger 3 (UA), Released on 12 Nov, 2023, Runtime: 2 hours 33 minutes.


In Tiger 3, Salman Khan reprises his role as Tiger, an Indian spy, alongside his partner Zoya (played by Katrina Kaif). Their world is turned upside down when a vengeful terrorist named Aatish Rehman (Emraan Hashmi) from Pakistan threatens their son’s life. The stakes are high, and the clock is ticking.

Tiger 3 review

The Good:

  • Salman Khan’s Daredevil Stunts: Khan’s action sequences defy both death and gravity. He’s back in top form, performing jaw-dropping stunts that keep the adrenaline pumping.
  • Visual Spectacle: Anay Goswamy’s cinematography captures the globe-trotting espionage saga beautifully. From Europe to Russia, Istanbul, India, and Pakistan, the film takes viewers on an exhilarating ride.
  • Katrina Kaif’s Well-Defined Character: Unlike typical spy movie heroines, Katrina’s Zoya has depth. Her backstory, motive, and context add substance to her action-heavy role.
  • Adrenaline-Pumping Action: Tiger 3 doesn’t skimp on heart-pounding action. Fans of the genre won’t be disappointed.

The Not-So-Good:

  • Predictable Plot Twists: While the film keeps you engaged, some twists are snackable but not surprising.
  • Clichéd Antagonist: Emraan Hashmi shines as Aatish, but his character lacks conviction due to clichéd writing.
  • Music Falls Short: Pritam’s music doesn’t leave a lasting impact.

Balancing Patriotism and Drama:

Tiger 3 navigates a delicate line between showcasing patriotism and overdramatizing it. The timely cameo by Shahrukh Khan as Pathan adds a nostalgic touch for fans of both Khans.

Final Verdict:

Despite its expected storyline and reliance on established spy movie tropes, Tiger 3 packs enough ammo for mass entertainment. It’s a worthy addition to the franchise, even if it lacks finesse in some scenes.